Skin Booster

A massive dose of hydration for all skin types!

Discover this modern method of counteracting dryness and skin laxity that works on all skin types! Skin Boosters are vitalising cocktails based on stabilised hyaluronic acid. Stabilised hyaluronic acid absorbs water when the skin is properly moisturised and releases moisture, stimulating cells to produce collagen. Skin Boosters naturally and gently smooth the skin, for a radiant and glowing complexion. The effects of the treatment are subtle, but noticeable right after the first treatment.

Additional ingredients included in the Skin Booster help protect your skin against free radicals, ensuring long-lasting hydration. This beauty treatment is like a massive anti-ageing bomb, hydrating the skin and smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. It will be visibly tighter, smoother, and deeply moisturised!

How does it work?

The procedure is not very invasive. The nourishing cocktail of active ingredients is injected into the skin using a needle. As a result, the Booster is administered directly to the areas of the skin that need it most.

For optimal results, we recommend three sessions at intervals of 3-4 weeks. The treatment cycle can be repeated after six months.

We recommend it for…


  • deeply moisturises and nourishes the skin, restoring its glow
  • eliminates acne scars
  • eliminates sun damage
  • improves skin texture and tension
  • reconstruction of collagen fibres
  • maintains the results achieved through other aesthetic medicine treatments
  • a safe procedure with the risk of complications reduced to a minimum

Call us and book an appointment

07875 196409

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